A Crazy Start for MedRecord in 2021


After a weird (thanks COVID-19) but exciting 2020, the first weeks of 2021 have been pretty amazing as well! 

Once again we’ve been experiencing intense interest and opportunities to engage in impactful projects continue to present themselves.

Earlier this week we broke our own Daily record by submitting 7 EU project proposals in a single day.

All of the proposals focused on metabolism – which is an area that we think will grow in importance in the coming years.

I’m so very proud of our wonderful team for being up to the challenge and for building on the hard work that they’ve put into our platform.

What did we do?

Let’s take a look at a few of the projects we’ve proposed to work on:

Advanced Metabolic Scanning Technology

Together with one of our research partners we will be able to capture a clear image of a patient’s metabolism with an MR(s)I scanner.

By doing this we will be able to provide exact and personalized advice on lifestyle (e.g. whether and how to focus on diet, physical activity and mental health) to improve their health.

Of course, we won’t be able to put everyone into an MR(s)I scanner, mostly because of the impracticality, high costs involved and the limited number of scanners available.

So our goal is to use this information to make a smaller, non-invasive wearable device.

Using the MR(s)I scan data as a gold standard, we can empower one of our commercial partners with the information they need to develop such wearable devices.

This key innovation will extract Glucose Levels from sweat – a type of non-invasive technique that is seen as a sort of “Holy Grail” for measurement devices. 

Our aim is to be able to produce the same information that would have otherwise required an MR(s)I scanner using a simple wearable.

This is what we call a true Hospital to Home transfer of monitoring and treatment capabilities.

AI Driven Health Insights

In another proposal we’ll be supporting a lifestyle startup by processing data from various wearable devices using Artificial Intelligence.

We’ll use this technology to supply their application with better insights about their users’ metabolism.

This enables the application to provide their users with better lifestyle recommendations.

The startup is a spinoff of a  university project and we are very happy and excited to be helping them out.

A Support Network for Diabetes Patients

Another startup we’ll be working with is developing a companion application for Diabetes patients with a clear focus on five lifestyle pillars (that provide a holistic treatment approach.)

We’ve applied for (and already received) several funding instruments in our work with them and are scheduled to start testing with the first 150 patients in March 2021.

In all of the projects mentioned above MEDrecord’s platform provides the underlying data processing technology that gives each innovation a head-start in it’s development time and cost.

The next 6 months 

For the next 6 months we will be focused on various funding opportunities, as well as some exciting commercial opportunities ahead of us – and we think we’ll certainly have some surprises for you ;-).

We’re also running several national tests with FHIR based questionnaires (for example) with MedMij and Onco in Balans.

Can we help you?

I keep a list of open opportunities in my blog post here.

If you have an innovation that you’d like to explore, or any eHealth idea that you’d like to talk about; please fill out our contact form or feel free to contact me directly.


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