Novel monitoring tools for mothers and babies health and wellbeing
New remote non-invasive monitoring solutions for ensuring the health of mothers and babies before and after birth

The Newlife project will answer to the ongoing digital transformation in healthcare from on-site hospital environment to remote healthcare in the home environment, by demonstrating digital and technological solutions serving both parents and new-born, securing life in its most vulnerable phase.
Newlife will develop novel sensing and diagnostic devices, electrodes suitable for wearable technologies and skin interfaces, ensure accurate data measurements and utilize data for analysis and development of novel AI/ML models for complications and risks.
The project consists of 5 use-cases for both, prenatal and postnatal monitoring solutions. Our fully certified MEDrecord platform for data acquisition from sensors combined with health and lifestyle data will provide remote patients and new-borns with 24/7 support and will be adapted and developed further for diabetes monitoring during pregnancy.
European research
The Newlife project has been funded by the KDT JU call. KDT JU – successor to ECSEL JU – is a EU-driven, public-private partnership, funding innovation in electronic components and systems. The total project budget equals 25M€.

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