Developing AI ecosystems improving diagnosis and care of mental diseases
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common psychiatric disorder, ranking as the second leading contributor of years lived with disability. Finding the right approach for individual patients remains challenging. DAIsy will develop and bring to the market AI-supported software solutions for improved (1) diagnosis, (2) treatment selection, (3) monitoring with diet and activity tracking, (4) support in behaviour adjustments, and (5) treatment response assessment. Novel AI techniques will jointly be developed to advance the AI applicability for these fragile patients by advancing techniques for large data points / patient ratios, improving explainability and uncertainty quantification.

With DAIsy’s integrated approach, including 25 organisations (such as hospitals, large industry, SMEs, and research organisations) from 5 countries (Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, and Turkey) covering the entire market and technical value chain for delivering the solution, we foresee an improvement in diagnostic accuracy and treatment selection with 30%, and with a speed up of treatment initiation with 60%. This improvement has tremendous societal, economic, and personal effects, allowing the DAIsy consortium partners to play an important role in this emerging market and devastating disease.
European research
DAIsy project is funded by the project partners and national governments as part of the ITEA-4 program. Total budget is estimated to 16M€. Project started in November 2022 and will last for 3 years.
About ITEA
ITEA is the Eureka R&D&I Cluster on software innovation, enabling a large international community of large industry, SMEs, start-ups, academia and customer organisations, to collaborate in funded projects that turn innovative ideas into new businesses, jobs, economic growth and benefits for society. It is industry-driven and covers a wide range of business opportunities facilitated by digitisation like smart mobility, healthcare, smart cities and energy, manufacturing, engineering and safety & security.
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