Mobile Monitoring of Diabetes Patients
Realtime monitoring of patients means faster response times and better treatment outcomes
The MobiGuide project builds tools for monitoring Diabetes type I and II patients and provides automated clinical decision support. The project was led by Professor Mor Peleg from the university of Haifa.
Based on the MEDrecord platform we have developed an intelligent decision-support system for patients with chronic illnesses, such as cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The patients wear sensors that can monitor biosignals (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure); and transmitted the readings vi their Smartphone to a powerful “backend” computer system for real-time monitoring and analysis.
Realtime decision support
Analyse sensor data
and provide
tailored feedback
Share with careteam
All data could
be shared with
relatives and doctors
Prediction models
We developed
prediction models for
heartfailure and Diabetes
The MobiGuide promotional clip:
Final project presentation by Prof. Mor Peleg:
We're always proud to work with leaders in health technology
Medrecord’s achievements are made possible through its collaborations with the world’s leaders in eHealth and medical technology. These wonderful partners helped us achieve our goals as part of the MobiGuide project.
iClinic Systems Inc.
Smart eHealth Solutions iClinic specializes in the design and development of smart, innovative and practical eHealth Solutions. Our solutions span across physicians’ private offices into
Ben-Gurion University
Ben-Gurion University (BGU) is Israel’s fastest growing and most dynamic university: it tripled its size over the past decade, to 17,500 students and 850 senior
Cutting edge diagnostic and therapeutic services IRCCS Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri (FSM) is a non-profit organization recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health as a research-oriented
University of Pavia
More information: Website Bio Medical Informatics
Technical University Madrid
The Technical University of Madrid or sometimes called Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spanish: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM) is a Spanish University, located in Madrid.
Catalan Diabetes foundation
The Catalan Diabetes foundation represents local Diabetics with whom we collaborated on the development of prediction models for Atrial fibrillation at Diabetic patients. More information:
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